What is the benefit of outsourcing my payroll?
Processing your payroll in-house can be an expensive and complicated business. Outsourcing your payroll to Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services can reduce the cost and administrative burden of preparing your companies payroll, leaving you with more time to focus on your core business activities. Click here for a more in-depth understanding about the benefits of outsourcing your payroll.
What payroll service can I expect to receive?
Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services offer a complete payroll management service which can be tailored to your companies’ exact requirements. Our payroll service is professional, reliable and accurate. We operate payrolls on a weekly, fortnightly, four weekly and monthly basis whatever the size of your business. Click here for full details of the service we offer.
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Do you deal with new starters and leavers?
Yes, based on the employees information supplied to us, we prepare starter and leaver calculations with P45/P46 management.
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What about pension deductions, statutory benefits?
Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services deal with pension payments and all statutory benefits such as statutory sick pay, maternity pay, paternity pay and adoption pay, as well as student loan deductions. All reports & payslips show full details of any such payments and deductions.
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Are you able to pay employees directly into their bank Account?
YES. We can arrange this for you. We will discuss your exact requirements with you at the time you join Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services. If you decide to make these arrangements yourself and then want us to take it on for you we can easily do that to.
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What style payslips and reports will we get?
We offer various types of laser printed payslips from a basic style payslip to a self seal security payslip. Our reports contain all the payroll management information you are likely to need. We will discuss your particular requirements with you and provide you with reports we have available which most match your needs. Please contact us if you require sample payslips and reports.
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I employ sub contractors can you produce monthly pay statements & complete monthly returns?
YES. We offer contractors a comprehensive, reliable and accurate administrative service for the New Construction Industry Scheme. Click here for full details of the service we offer.
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Do you prepare year end returns and file them on-line?
Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services uses H M Revenue & Customs certified payroll software which processes all year-end returns via the Internet. Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services can deal with all your year-end returns online ensuring correct data is sent and on time, ensuring you receive e-filing incentive payment if applicable and reducing the risk of. Late submission penalties.
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Do you prepare employee form P60?
YES, we produce Form P60 for employees and we will forward them to the employer for distribution to the relevant employees by the statuary deadline.
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Are you able to make monthly PAYE payments for us?
We calculate the PAYE income tax and National Insurance contributions due from your business. We provide a P32 report which gives a breakdown of the payment due to H M Revenue & Customs. We can also make these payments on your behalf if you prefer us to do this for you.
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What happens if I have a query with my payroll, tax, NI or any other relevant issue?
Each client has their own nominated account handler who not only processes your payroll, but also deals with any payroll queries you may have.
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Do you deal with H M Revenue & customs and other third parties on our behalf?
Yes, we will deal directly with H M Revenue & Customs and any other third parties acting on your authority.
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How long would it take to set up the payroll?
This can depend upon a number of factors such as the size and frequency of your payroll and your current set up. As a rule of thumb we usually require 1 week.
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Do I have to wait until the end of the tax year in April to change over?
NO. We take on new payroll clients throughout the year and have the skills, knowledge and experience to transfer your payroll at any time of the year.
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What about privacy and security?
At Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services we take privacy and security very seriously. We make every effort to ensure we protect your business and your staff. All equipment is regularly updated and protected by IT security measures including anti-virus software and protection against phishing and spam. We are Data Protection registered and back up all payroll records electronically.
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How much will the payroll service cost?
As well as our service being professional and reliable, it is also a cost effective solution for your companies’ payroll needs. We tailor payroll packages to suit every individual employer and our prices will vary depending on what service you choose. Click here for charges.
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What are my responsibilities for the payroll service?
We will maintain your payroll and prepare wage slips, payment advices and annual returns from the information supplied by yourself. This is subject to you having supplied us with the information relevant to your payroll as and when requested by us. Full details of all your obligations are contained in our letter of payroll engagement which can be supplied on request.
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What do I do next?
Your only responsibility for the payroll service is to nominate a payroll contact who acts as the point of communication between you and Castleview Accountancy & Payroll Services. Your payroll contact just collates any amendments you may have to the payroll each week or month, sends them using the agreed documentation or media to ourselves and we will do the rest.
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